Our Team:
We're a lean and agile team brought together by our passions, complimentary talents, skillsets, and love of nature.
Jaynee Howe
Founder & CEO
Go to market mobile app producer and marketer. Game producer with extensive digital expertise in gaming, interactive, TV and film.
GeoTots founder Jaynée Howe brings a deep background in digital marketing and content production. An early player in the digital media field, she has worked steadily in an array of roles: desktop video production; software art creation; interactive educational kiosk and gaming development; commercial and mobile production; and work on feature films (most notably Star Wars: Episode II-Attack of the Clones) .
Focused on the production, marketing, and distribution of high-quality, engaging media, Jaynée has collaborated with established educational teams early on in her career at the Smithsonian Institution and, more recently, the California Academy of Sciences, where she spearheaded the successful Science Today mobile app, available both on iTunes and Google Play and published award winning eCourses for iTunesU, produced by the Helena Carmena of the Academy's education team.
Skilled at promotion and distribution of media products, Jaynée 's work highlights include her role as product manager for a top selling app in December of 2008 –
FooPets. She also produced a mobile app that enabled 20th Century Fox to promote the opening of the feature film Marley & Me. Later, working for the San Francisco-based advertising agency Mekanism, she helped produce an app for client Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) aimed at connecting veterans through
social media and private online groups.
Beyond her professional work, Jaynée is a parent to 15-year-old Oscar, and loves remaining connected to younger tots.
Chuck Whelon
Creative Director
Game Designer, Illustrator, Cartoonist, with an emphasis on puzzles, games and mazes.
Helena Carmena
Subject Matter Specialist
Science Teacher, iTunes U Course and Khan Academy Video content consultant at The California Academy of Sciences.